WhatsApp Best Practices Protocol

Regular Check-In:** Each team member should regularly log into WhatsApp and respond to group chat activities. This ensures active participation and timely communication within the

Weekly Reporting:** Every week, each team member is required to share a brief report in the WhatsApp group. This report should include updates on tasks completed, progress made, goals for the next week, and any challenges or obstacles encountered.

Initiate Communication:** When starting a new conversation or when sharing important information, start by greeting the group and clearly stating the topic or issue to be discussed. This sets the context and ensures everyone understands the purpose of the conversation.

Stay on Topic:** Please keep all conversations on the group relevant to our project. If you wish to share something not related to the project, consider whether it's appropriate for the group or if it should be shared in a different way.

Be Concise:** To respect everyone's time and attention, please keep messages concise and to the point. Before sending a message, check that it's clear, direct, and contains all necessary information.

Respectful Discussions:** While it's natural for discussions to become passionate, we should always strive to be respectful of each other. Avoid language that could be seen as aggressive or confrontational. If a discussion becomes heated, take a step back and consider whether it would be better to continue the conversation at another time or through a different medium.

Acknowledge Messages:** If a message is directed to you, or requires your input, please acknowledge that you have read it and respond accordingly. This could be as simple as a quick 'ok' or 'noted', or a more detailed response if necessary.

Use Appropriate Media:** If you need to share a document or other media, ensure it's appropriate for the group. If it's a large file, consider sharing it through another means to avoid consuming the group's data.

Follow Up:** If you have shared an important message or request, and have not received a response within a reasonable time, please follow up. This ensures your message is not overlooked and that necessary actions are taken.

Email Communication Practices

The Creatives Everywhere Collective greatly acknowledges the critical role of email communication in today's digital world. We understand how entrepreneurs, creatives, and business owners leverage the power of this medium to engage with clients, stakeholders, and teams for effective communication. Emails serve as a vital tool in the professional realm, allowing for quick and efficient exchange of ideas, documents, and updates. The Collective, therefore, emphasizes the importance of proper email management and protocol to maintain professionalism, efficiency, and respect for all parties involved.

Set Specific Times for Checking Emails**: Avoid constantly checking your inbox throughout the day. Instead, allocate specific times for checking and responding to emails.

Prioritize Your Emails**: Not every email requires an immediate response. Prioritize your emails based on their importance and urgency.

Use Labels and Folders**: Keep your inbox organized by using labels and folders. This can help you quickly find emails and keep track of different projects or tasks.

Set Up Automatic Responses for Absences**: If you are going to be out of the office or unavailable, set up an automatic response to let senders know when they can expect a reply.

Regularly Archive and Delete**: Keep your inbox clean by regularly archiving or deleting emails that are no longer needed.

Use Professional Language**: Always use professional and courteous language in your emails. This helps maintain a positive and professional image.

Proofread Before Sending**: Always proofread your emails before sending them to avoid any miscommunication or errors.

Avoid Sending Confidential Information**: Never send sensitive or confidential information through email unless it is encrypted and secure.

Note: Creatives Everywhere Collective has many email templates to help you with your email communication.